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총 게시물 40건, 최근 0 건
[학부 신입] 미국 최상위권 명문대 합격률
글쓴이 : 최고관리자 날짜 : 2015-06-24 (수) 조회 : 1619
워싱턴 포스트에 실린 정보입니다. 작년 기록도 함께 보여주고 있는데 전반적으로 합격률이 떨어지고 있는 경향을 알 수 있습니다. 기재된 학교 중 일부는 리버럴 알츠 칼리지라 다소 생소하게 느끼실 수 있겠지만, 지역 명문으로 미국 현지에서는 인기가 높은 대학들 입니다. 기사 원문도 함께 링크를 해놓았으니 들어가셔서 직접 기사를 읽어보실 수 있습니다. 이 기사는 계속 업데이트 되는 포스팅이라 시간이 지나면 아래에 올려드린 대학들 이상의 많은 대학의 합격률을 알 수 있게 됩니다.
Amherst College: 1,176 admits out of 8,566 applicants, 13.7 percent. (Last year: 13.0 percent)
Bates College: 1,208 offers out of 5,636 apps, 21.4 percent. (Last year: 24.8 percent)
Bowdoin College: 1,009 offers out of 6,790 apps, 14.9 percent. (Last year: 14.9 percent)
Brown University: 2,580 offers out of 30,397 apps, 8.5 percent. (Last year: 8.6 percent)
Claremont McKenna College: 698 offers out of 7,152 apps, 9.8 percent. (Last year: 10.1 percent)
Columbia University: 2,228 offers out of 36,250 apps, 6.1 percent. (Last year: 6.9 percent)
Cornell University: 6,234 offers out of 41,907 apps, 14.9 percent. (Last year: 14.0 percent)
Dartmouth College: 2,120 offers out of 20,504 apps, 10.3 percent. (Last year: 11.5 percent)
Duke University: 3,534 offers out of 31,150 apps, 11.3 percent. (Last year: 10.8 percent)
Georgetown University: 3,202 offers out of 19,481 apps, 16.4 percent. (Last year: 16.6 percent)
Grinnell College: 1,580 offers out of 6,414 apps, 24.6 percent. (Last year: 26.8 percent)
Hamilton College1,301 offers out 5,434 apps, 23.9 percent. (Last year: 25.9 percent)
Harvard University: 1,990 offers out of 37,305 apps, 5.3 percent. (Last year: 5.9 percent)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 1,467 offers out of 18,306 apps, 8.0 percent. (Last year: 7.7 percent)
Middlebury College: 1,512 offers out of 8,894 apps, 17.0 percent. (Last year: 17.3 percent)
Princeton University: 1,908 offers out of 27,290 apps, 7.0 percent. (Last year: 7.3 percent)
Stanford University: 2,144 offers out of 42,487 apps, 5.0 percent. (Last year: 5.1 percent.)
Swarthmore College: 950 offers out of 7,817 apps, 12.2 percent.  (Last year: 16.8 percent)
University of Chicago: 2,365 offers out of 30,192 apps, 7.8 percent. (Last year: 8.4 percent.)
University of Maryland: 12,484 offers out of 28,326 apps, or 44.1 percent. (Last year: 47.4 percent).
University of Notre Dame: 3,577 offers out of 18,156 apps, 19.7 percent. (Last year: 20.8 percent)
University of Pennsylvania: 3,697 offers out of 37,276 apps, 9.9 percent. (Last year: 10.0 percent)
University of Virginia: 8,789 offers out of 30,854 apps, 28.5 percent.  (Last year: 28.9 percent)
Yale University: 1,962 offers out of 30,237 apps, 6.5 percent. (Last year: 6.3 percent)