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[학부 신입] UC 버클리 추천서 추가
글쓴이 : 최고관리자 날짜 : 2015-07-06 (월) 조회 : 1842
UC 버클리가 2015년 가을 원서를 쓰는 신입생들 부터 추천서를 받기로 결정했습니다. 이것은 UC 캠퍼스 전체가 아닌 버클리에 국한된 것이지만, 장기적으로는 다른 캠퍼스로 확대될 가능성이 높은 정책입니다. 그만큼 미국 대학합격이 selective 해지고 있다는 뜻일 것입니다. 편입생은 해당사항이 없습니다. 걱정 안하셔도 됩니다. 아래에 자세한 내용을 첨부합니다.
 『추천서에 들어가야 할 내용』
1) Academic performance and potential (both overall and in the context of the class)
2) Love of learning
3) Leadership (in school, family, or community)
4) Persistence in the face of challenges
5) Cross-cultural engagement
6) Originality/Creativity
7) Demonstrated concern for others
『관련 사항에 대한 질문과 답변』
Who should write the letter(s)?
One letter must be written by a teacher or instructor. The second letter can be written by anyone the student selects, ideally someone who knows them well and can speak to one or more of the characteristics above.
How will the letters be submitted? 
All letters must be submitted electronically with your application. No letters in the mail or by courier will be accepted. Applicants will initially identify letter writers as a part of the application process.
Is there a word limit?
While there is not a word limit, we ask that letters be limited to one page.
What is the deadline?
All letters will be due by 11:59 p.m. on January 1, 2016. After this date, it is not guaranteed that a letter can be read as a part of the application review.
Will a third letter be accepted?
No. Only two letters will be accepted.
Will applications without a letter still be read? Will they be at a disadvantage?
The new policy remains committed to making sure that all freshman applications are thoroughly and thoughtfully read, with or without a letter. Students without a letter will not be at a disadvantage, but we do highly encourage students to use this opportunity.
How can Berkeley help prepare schools for this transition?
Berkeley has been talking to stakeholders both on and off campus, and the feedback for this effort has been positive. To support the effort and allow greater access and understanding, UC Berkeley will create a set of online tools this summer and will welcome the opportunity to speak to groups of teachers and counselors who may be interested in learning more about advocating for students through letters of recommendation.
Does this impact transfer students?
No. This new policy only impacts freshmen. Transfers should not send a letter of recommendation.  
Are other UC campuses also accepting letters of recommendation?
No. Berkeley is the only UC campus that is accepting letters of recommendation for the freshman applicant pool. Students who apply to multiple campuses may find that each campus has its own process for collecting additional information as needed from an applicant.