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유용한 링크
작성일 : 14-05-09
[기타] 복수학위???
 글쓴이 : jjanggu
포인트 : 200점   조회 : 4,640  
이번에 텍사스 휴스턴대학에 프리널싱으로 합격을 했습니다.
휴스턴대는 2학년까지 프리널싱만 있고 3학년 본과부터는 요구하는 일정점수를
이수하면 텍사스헬스사이언스센터 스쿨오브널싱으로 갈수가 있다고해요.
그런데 학교에서 메일이 왔는데 dual digree에 대한 안내를 하는데
솔직히 무슨 말인지 잘 이해가 안되고 그냥 저는 열심히해서 간호학전공만이
목표인데 중간에 꼬이게될까봐 두렵습니다
부족한 정보와 영어로 부딪힐려니 어렵네요ㅠㅠ
혹시 아시는 분은 답변 부탁드려요.

메일 전문입니다.

I am glad to hear of your interest in the Nursing Dual Degree program with UH and UTSON. It is for FTIC (First Time in College) UH students. Students can bring in dual and test credit (as long as they are not the math & science pre-requisites). If you have graduated high school by the time of application to UH, you must not have taken any college coursework after high school.

The partnership is between UTSON-Houston and CLASS (College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences) at UH. It is designed to award eligible students 2 Bachelor’s degrees in about 5 years, including the BSN. You can choose any major in CLASS, though we strongly recommend the Liberal Studies BA. If you choose the Liberal Studies BA (the triple-minor major) as your major, we would waive the 3rd minor, your foreign language requirement, and the 9-hour interdisciplinary CLASS block (required in other CLASS majors). So you would need to select 2 minors (I have attached a list of options; both minors must be from CLASS). You complete Core, the LS major requirements (including your 2 minors), and the nursing pre-requisites (and any additional Honors requirements if applicable). We review your GPA after 30 hours to determine eligibility. You would need a 3.5 Cumulative GPA and a 3.0 Science (nursing pre-reqs only) GPA to remain eligible. All Math and Science pre-requisite courses must be taken at UH.

Keep in mind that this program is geared toward high-performing students who must be ready for a full course-load of at least 30 credit hours per year (at least 15 credit hours each fall and spring if you do not want to take summer courses). The minimum 3.5 Cumulative GPA that is required translates to an average somewhere between a B+ and A-. Make sure you honestly consider if you are academically ready for a rigorous program like this. This program also prepares students to take a more Humanities-based approach to nursing. Choosing minors in the Humanities and Social Sciences in addition to the science-based nursing pre-requisite courses gives you a solid foundation for success in nursing school and in your nursing career. It will also set you apart from other applicants when looking for jobs where competition is keen. Therefore, we strongly encourage students not to choose areas in Nutrition and Kinesiology if they are only choosing it to do better in nursing school, as this will not give you the well-rounded education that will help you in the long run, and it may take you longer to complete your degrees with these areas.

If you are eligible, you will have priority registration for future semesters. You also go into a separate applicant pool to UT, who is reserving 25% of each admissions class for the dual degree students. 25% of their accepted class is about 20-25 students so you would have almost guaranteed admission at this point. If accepted (UT has additional admission requirements), you would start the UT degree after completing at least 90 hours of your UH degree (most degrees are 120). We would count the remaining 30 hours from the UT degree toward the 120 hour requirement so you would be completing 2 degrees in less time with less hours.

You do not need to apply separately for this program. Upon acceptance to UH, you will sign up for a New Student Conference. During the conference, you should indicate to your major advisor that you are pursuing this program and you will meet with that advisor and then me (unless your major is Liberal Studies, then you would only meet with me). Since your major is listed as UScholars, you will need to change your major via this form: https://ssl.uh.edu/wtsc_apps/uh_rsvp/rsvp.php?invite_id=61. Let me know what you decide. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

일본아지매 14-05-09
밑에 분 말이 정확한 듯.
FinnWilly   14-05-09
꼬일 것 없습니다. 간호학을 전공하더라도 인문학적 소양이 중요하니 학교측에서 제공하는

dual-degree 프로그램을 따라 수강을 하라는 것입니다. 이 프로그램의 수강 프로그램을 이수해도

나중에 빠른 시간내에 UT에서 졸업하는데 아무 문제가 없고, UT의 nursing 전공으로 합격하는데도

더 유리하니 한 번 해보라는 권고 메일입니다. 그리고 만약 관심이 있다면 아래의 링크에 있는 form

을 작성해서 전공을 Liberal Studies로 변경하라는 뜻인 것 같습니다. 만약 변경하게 된다면 배정되는

어드바이저 교수님하고 지금 메일을 보낸 분하고 만나야 한다는 뜻이구요. Liberal Studies의 경우

원칙상 3개의 minor를 선택해야 하지만 UT 편입 프로그램의 경우는 세 번째 minor에 해당하는 선택사항을

면제시켜준다는 말도 써져 있네요.

아무튼 크게 걱정할 일은 아닌 것으로 보입니다.

미국 현지 대학관계자와의 컨택을 바탕으로 한 커스터마이즈 원서작성